Konstantinopel1e Auflage, 1905D497
Konstantinopel und das Westliche Kleinasien.

24, 275 pages9 maps, 34 plans 
5 floor plans.

There are at least three versions of this edition: (a) the original 1905 issue, known as the Calice variant; (b) a later 1905 variant with replaced pages xxiii and xxiv; and (c) the Pallavicini variant, with various amendments to the text and issued from 1908 onwards.

In addition, any of these variants may contain the famous slip warning of the Turkish censor: "Der Übereifer der türkischen Zensur erstreckt sich bisweilen auf Reisehandsbücher. Man vermeidet Schwierigkeiten, wenn man das Buch vor dem Überschreiten der türkischen Grenze oder vor der Ankunft in einem türkischen Hafen in die Rocktasche steckt."

(The excessive zeal of the Turkish censors extends for the time being also to travel guides. Difficulties may be avoided, if you place the book in your coat pocket before crossing the Turkish border, or before arrival in a Turkish port.)
Auction prices:
No. records:63

Picture by courtesy of Ian Goldsmith

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